Thursday, September 25, 2008

I'll take this hole and label it blog....

First of all wow this site has taken off in like one day its awesome!
Second of all this will be brief

My blog is about the bus drivers!
I am for the bus drivers campain. Even though my only transport anywhere is bus but they start on $12.35 an hour to drive around roudy teenagers and rude adults...
GO Wellington wanted to increase that amount by 7% to $13.01 now if you compare that to 4 days work in melborne for a bus driver they get $ 1400 (again im not too sure but its around there...)

Think of it another way is that they are responsible for 1000s patrons lives and they are driving around Wellington in 1/2 million dollar machines thats alot of responsiblity on a under paid bus driver.....
Today i drove past the bus depot and they were outside drinking coffee and had placards they were all in uniform and ready to work... and so what if we had to walk...exercise is good it releases happy hormones....

Personally I think that they need to be given the 12.5% they are asking for! They are stressed and need to be paid for what they are doing! instead of what the people think they are doing!

So next time your on a bus being loud or tagging it (I hope none of you do that) remember the driver and how they have to put up with all of the Wellington public!!! (and our school buses get pretty loud!)

lots of (Bus) love
Kermit_2.0 xoxox


Lily said...

Yeah, I also support the bus drivers. Lots of them are actually really nice, and $12 is a shockingly small amount of money. About the same I get for photocopying medical journals. And you make a good point about the amount of responsibility they have. So yay bus drivers!

Kermit_2.0 said...

yes but the majority are very nice

HeadSurgeon said...

go!go! bus drivers! i know some bus drivers are mean, and sometimes to you...for no apparant reason, but do remember people are mean to them too, people bite their heads off for being "late" when it could be a big queue waiting to get in the bus and stuff. Besides a job is a job, and that pay is low, and if you say "what? for sitting on yo ass and driving all day?" honestly, sitting for extended periods of time on buttocks ist painful, i think they should get some messeur tickets too. Oh and they're more prone to butt pimples or something.

Ailsa said...

Ok, so since I hurt my foot 3 and a half years ago I haven't actually caught a bus, but I'll use my prior knowledge :) I think that $12 is way too low, especially as they have to deal with rude teens and annoying adults. Imagine being cooped up in one of those monsters for the whole day, listening to people trash your car?!?! Seriously!

Kermit_2.0 said...

hahaha your too right ailsa!!!


Elizabeth Coben said...

Again, i completely disagree with what you are saying. The bus drivers were offered a whopping 7% pay increase. After the the terrible wat they have treatedthe issue, that is a huge sum of money, most other jobs would never get pay increases like that. But did they take it? No, instead they decided to strike again just for an extra 1.6%. Talk about greedy. I'm pleased that thet were locked out as sulking and striking is no way to get what you want.

Elvis Fucking Christ said...

I know this is old, but...what the hell, last comment. How do you think change gets accomplished if not for drastic action like strikes? The "whopping increase" of 7% gives them an extra 80c an hour. Big f---ing deal.

I gotta say, I don't like the Snapper cards. One, it's not a solution to rising bus fares etc etc. Two, people who use them just walk past the driver like another piece of machinery. After working at a checkout I have deep sympathy for them being ignored, and always try say hi or something.