Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Fear of Fat.

First blog. Hello I'm Ellen. I live on a planet could earth where very strange things happen.

And I have this baked idea that one person can make a difference.

My first question for you all is, why is there so much discrimination against those who tip the scales?

In my eyes it is the same as racism for this reason. Nobody has to know you to judge you for being larger. It is simply exposed by your appearance. A person may see a person of a larger body type and think that they don't look after themselves, they have no self control and maybe even that they are a monster.

Not all of us are 'petite' or 'stick thin'. Some of us don't go on dangerous diets just so other people respect us.

It's your body, it's your life and you should live for yourself.

It doesn't matter if you a big, small, tall, short, have oily skin or dry skin, black, white, blue, yellow or rainbow.

You are beautiful if you believe you are beautiful it will shine through.

The fear of fat is a desperate ignorant fear.

"You canchange your weight but not your body shape". - Cosmopolitan

Love from Ellen


HeadSurgeon said...

ARGH. i hate ignorance like so, i get so so so angry when i hear about how people are so rude and discriminate against you, Ellen. Its society, the shadow puppet of state of mind, between every action lingers the shadow edges of "society". People in the middle ages would perceive you to be a bundle of hotness! but society hasd changed, and now its "thin" but i think i see a transition to "healthy" ? maybe. anyways, the fear of fat is not only discrimination. But the extended acuteness of people who are fat. Fat is not an ugly word, society has made us think that way. Fat is the opposite of thin, yet we do not describe someone outirghtly as "fat" when we can exclaim to a person "WOW you're so thin!". The polite turnaway from such makes it all worse! people need to accept, so, they are still themselves wot you gonna to about that bro? "Plus-size" is another euphemism (but a great one, and i do think it sums it up properly". Why are these nicer ways to say fat? do YOU think that person should be embarrased about it. I know its polite, but its just a reflection of the context of the ways we do address "plus-sized" people when treading on such grounds...well er, i'm not sure what i'm talking about anymore, i'm being kidnapped by awesum kkkkkk song lamentful miss!!!!!!!!!!!<3
fight on Ellen.

Ellen said...

What an inspiring L-O-N-G comment. Well my love, as we are both keen art historians we know that the curvy female form has been CELEBRATED! ingres you genius!...and many other. It actually brings me to sexism. Do all women have to be weak, small and vunerable and men make all the money when women just stay home? No! Give me hardworking over fragile any day.

Elvis Fucking Christ said...

It's the beauty myth. Can't hold women down with housewifery no more, so you give them a new exhausting mission.

Y'all should read The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf. It's the New Testament to Betty Friedan's Old Testament, The Feminine Mystique.

(Not to say that Friedan's work was as awful and misogynistic etc as the Old Testament, just that it's, you know, older).

From The Beauty Myth chapter called Hunger:
"Food is the symbol of social worth...Publicly apportioning food is about determining power relations, and sharing it is about cementing social equality...The word companion comes from the Latin for 'with' and 'bread'--those who break bread together.

But under the beauty myth, now that all women's eating is a public issue, our portions testify to and reinforce our sense of social inferiority. If women cannot eat the same food as men, we cannot experience equal status in the community."

And so on. the book's written almost poetically. A good read unless you hate depressing books.