I was writing a cool blog on the election and how I think National is the pits... Then it was deleted! It was probably a computer error but I'm choosing to believe it was John Key's fault.
if you go into your profile, and under the 'active collective' heading, there's a link sayng 'edit post'. from there you can read, and presumably edit the post you wrote on the election.
The bloggers here were formerly of the Active Collective, a group of young women banding together to discuss issues of critical importance in today's society, and working out ways to raise awareness, especially among youths, based at Wellington East Girls' College. Everyone on this blog has left WEGC and so moved on from the AC, but we'll continue to use this space as a soapbox for discussing issues that matter to us.
There is a new generation of young passionate young activists running the Active Collective at East this year, with their own blog. Go check it out.
thats an awesome photo
if you go into your profile, and under the 'active collective' heading, there's a link sayng 'edit post'. from there you can read, and presumably edit the post you wrote on the election.
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