Friday, September 26, 2008

AC and beyoond!(like in space term beyond)

So, i just wanted to post, about this little talk moi, lily and romana had. This was how the conversation kinda went:
Lily: "So, i was thinking guys, i dont think the AC will continue after we leave."
Moi: "Yeh..." *thinks back to the enormity of our meetings*
Lily: "I think we should still continue with meetings out of school."
Moi: "Yea! thats a Great idea!"
Lily: "We can all meet up in a room..." ect. ect.

so that was a really bad recall of the conversation, but you get the gist! Howabout it guys?! I think its LE AWESOME. Imagine if we became a political group o.0

Anyways, everyone have a fun holidays, i hope eveyone gets to sleep and play sand castles alot if they wanted. And don't forget all the super fun assignments, like English...and Bio.


Kermit_2.0 said...

it would be le awesome

i also love your fronglais!!!

lion loves lamb said...

twilight76dont worry i will have a fantasmic holiday
im watching rove at milvias house.... we just watched camp rock..with da JONAS BROTHERS!!!!!
WE LOVED IT!!! (seriously? it was so cheesy i nearly cried)
lol milvias cat fell into the bin!

but on topic i think thats a SUPER idea!
we can talk about this later
but i am in agreement