Saturday, September 27, 2008

A Little Green Blog (Lolz Noodles)

WARNING: I have a strange feeling none of this makes any sense.....

Hello all!!!

Sorry in advance I is a little sick Noodles's germies obviously like me!!!!

So on my CC blog this very intelligent comment was left by Ellen:

"Ellen said....
I agree with emily...but she already knows it. There is no cure for cancer so prevention is our only protection. In a world where just about every second product on the market is "cancer causing" it truely is time to start working towards provention."

Now I found this sentence VERY interesting:

"In a world where just about every second product on the market is "cancer causing" it truely is time to start working towards provention."

Now as the only one in my family capable of reading labels without having to wear glasses (this has a point its not mindless ramble I promise) I have found it very interesting what the different food/additives "prevent" or "can cause" certain things like cancer that have been in the news
The reason I put those in speech marks is that nothing (meaning science) is concrete when it comes to foods and dieseases but a little while ago they discovered that aspartame in gum is VERY BAD. I'm sure everybody has seen/ heard of this 25 year old girl who was eating gum and got poisoned well she is healthy now but getting sick from chewing gum?!?!?! what is the world coming to?!?!
She also claims that she has been repoisoned (this was in 07 but still...) also she isnt the only victim.... <----- Scoop on the 'repoisoning' "The additive artificial sweetener aspartame (951/Equal/NutraSweet ) is used in many different types of processed food, especially sugar free and diet products, and also sports drinks and medicines."
Personally I have no clue why compaines such as Coca Cola and Wrigley’s are using and backing this stuff as a safe alternative to sugar! I know that there are other sweeteners that are out on the market that are safer and dont reek havoc with our nervous systems and even effect brain activiy...
"The nerves serving this area and their vascular supply derive directly from the brain, so the Aspartame absorbed through them goes directly into the brain, by passing the spinal cord and blood brain barrier."
How I know theres other sweeteners you ask?
Well because I was sooo freaked out by this story I reserched gums without sweetener 951 or aspartame so i went into common sense organics and looked at there gum in there well theres this gum made by Annes (the people who make those yummy fruit bar things) they use a sweetener in there gum called Xylitol. Xylitol is a sweetener from sugar and is found in fruit making it WAYYYYYYY better than any articial sweeteners.......

So next time read the label or read up on sweetners....

Lots of Natural Love

Kermit_2.0 xoxoxox

Ps Im not saying never eat foods with sweeteners in... small doses is always the best

1 comment:

Ellen said...

Lol emily I am proud that my comment inspired another entire blog post. Have you also heard that artificial sweetners can cause dibetes which is the exact thing they are meant to prevent?!?
I hope you are all enjoying your holidays. Back to business next wednesday lol.