Thursday, September 25, 2008

I Blog, You Read? We Have An Understanding :D

Hello there
I'm Noodles
yeah, you all know who i am
and if you dont...well...its totally coz im black and you're racist.
Never, ever, is it my fault.
Guess what?!?
Dial up sucks.
Thats right. I said it.
Dial. Up. Sucks.
you all have broadband
you know how i know that?
because i stalk you in my spare time.
and to find out that you have broadband must make me a pretty good spare-time stalker because i dont have that much spare time.
i use it all up waiting for my dial up to load
and that, my friends, is how much dial up sucks.
And whats with everyone writing their posts in BLACK?
i have nothing against the colour black, really.
its practically my skin colour believe it or not.
but would it kill anyone to put a LITTLE colour into their blogs?!?
*sigh* what a boring, uneventful world we live in. hold up, thats not true.
PS: do you think i hit the "opinionated" mark?


Kermit_2.0 said...

NO DEAL! we dont not have an understanding!!!!


HeadSurgeon said...

haha XD
i ate japanese chocolate,
and it was morally (in le racial way) incorrect.
it was labelled "MEIJI: Black chocolate"

Kermit_2.0 said...

and i just walked down to the dairy and there was a sign that sad blackalious