Monday, September 22, 2008

Gay? No way! - School Ball Blues

Hey! So, anyway, I'm sitting in French, discussing The Active Collective with my dear friend Lily aka. The Active Collective blogger, and we got onto the topic of our school ball. That set me off on a rant, so I thought I'd post my view here for everyone to see! *laughs*

For the school ball, all year 12's and 13's are allowed to bring a partner of their choice, granted they are of high school age and have a school id. Unless their a girl. In that case, you must sign a form declaring for all to see that you're gay, and they're your girlfriend. Talk about a denial of human rights. The UDHR says that everyone has the right to choose their sexuality and that this right should never be denied. But here at Wellington East, the school ball and its stupid rules, are in fact denying people the right to be who they are. How can someone be comfortable with who they are, if they feel that the 'norm' is to date the opposite sex, and anyone who does not fit this category, is abnormal or strange. It frustrates me that my school is promoting hetrosexuality, and do not represent the other half, so to say. I, for one, am not gay, but I believe that people like me need to speak out for those who are. I thought the ball would be a time to hang out with my friends who go to Marsden and Wellington Girls', and I've been looking forward to it since year 9. Part of my vision was being able to bring my friends who go to other schools to enjoy the evening, also. However, unless I'm willing to falsely state that me and my friend are gay, I will not be allowed to enter along side them. I do feel that it is good practice that we can only take school age students to the ball, for safety reasons, but these students should be able to be boys OR girls.

Wellington East are proud to say they are accepting of all, and that homophobia is not present in the school community, but unless the absurd regulations change in regards to the ball, I cannot agree that we are in fact free of prejudice. Basically, I'd like anyone who reads this post and feels strongly about this issue, also, to speak out and comment me. I think that if a group of us approach the school council, or ball committee, we may be able to change this rule for next year's ball. Oh, and about the title of this blog? Blame Lily!!! Haha

Until next time, have a day!
xox Ailsa xox


Lily said...

Well, Ailsa, I checked on the school ball form and it seems that there is no age restriction for male guests. So, you can actually take anybody your heart pleases to the ball, as long as they don't have a vagina.

Kermit_2.0 said...

Wow ailsa!

That was a really awesome post!

Made me think and also Me, Lily and Ms Judge were talking about it and she made the point that its akward enough being a gay teen and then you have to declear it!!! i could imagine it would be horrible! and imgine who would read it what if you werent yet comfortable with it?!?!?!


Elizabeth Coben said...

Um yo like no offence or anything but i completely disagree with this post. A school ball is meant to just be for the school that is organising it and their prospective dates so your comment about wanting to bring friends from other schools is stupid.
And also, do you actually know anyone who is directly affected by this are you just randomly ranting?. There is probably not even anybody in your two year groups who are affected by this anyway.
And as for the comment left by Kermit, don't you think that if you were too shy to write down on a piece of paper that you were a lesbian, wouldn't you be too shy to walk around the ball with another girl as your date?