Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Cross my blog hope to die....

Ok Title from a song tick!

Hello all I'm Emily or Kermit 2.0...
First of all I wanna say thanks to Lily for the invite I really appreiate it!
Four thing you must know about any blogs I make are:
1. I can't spell to save a dying cow (I didn't want to be Clice!)
2. I hardly use any putuation
3. I like werid spacing
4. The Active Collective is AWESOME!

Right now on to the issue...

Ok so in the news lately the talk of Cervical Cancer. I know in our school we have had posters go up and I've got a letter from my doctor about the vaccine. You are possibly sitting at your computer say WTF? what has this got to do with anything well I'm getting there!!! Just keep reading!!!

Well I want to know your opinons on this because I have the view that its a good thing! Many NZ women die unessasily from Cervical Cancer with is mostly caused by the HPV virus or Human Papilloma Virus and diet. Every year in New Zealand around 160 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer and around 60 die from the disease. Many other women have abnormalities in the cells of their cervix which are detected by cervical screening.
But if getting this vaccine we can reduse those number in our generation why aren't we? but then comes the fact that it isn't tested enough but the test that have been done have shown positive effects.
I mean look at this:

"Immunisation with HPV vaccine is highly effective in preventing infection with the 2 most common HPV types - 16 and 18, that cause at least 70% of cervical cancer."

Those are pretty good stats! also:

"Three years after becoming sexually active, around two thirds of women have been exposed to HPV virus (regardless of the number of sexual partners)."

Thats pretty scary! (Well thats what I think...) But having the HPV virus doesn't mean you'll get cervical cancer but cell mutate easily and viruses are always changing (Thus why theres no cure for the flu sorry I do biology) because :

"If left untreated, cervical cancer can spread to the bladder, intestines, lungs and liver and is ultimately fatal"
also by getting the vaccine you cannot REPEAT cannot get the virus!

Another point is if its free for most of us then why not? what have you got to lose?

Anyway I have so classics homework and this is too distracting and people on msn are getting annoyed at me!
You gotta love procrastination!!!

xoxo Kermit 2.0
BTW Ailsa your blog rocked my socks! (really lame I know!)

(Ps Don't be afraid to comment if you don't agree... I wont hurt you and I want to see it from both POVs)

I hope I have done the AC blog proud!


The Active Collective said...

Hey nice blogging Emily! Welcome to the team, nice to have you!

HeadSurgeon said...

yes yes, very informative.<3

Ellen said...

I agree with emily...but she already knows it. There is no cure for cancer so prevention is our only protection. In a world where just about every second product on the market is "cancer causing" it truely is time to start working towards provention.

Kermit_2.0 said...

but you have to wonder about the whole food will prevent this but induce this realtionship

Elvis Fucking Christ said...

Hmmm maybe you guys (if you haven't already) could put up flyers around school for this?