Friday, October 9, 2009
Promiscuity and labels
My thoughts were that it has to do with the gender roles we have constructed for men and women - it is traditionally a man's role in society to initiate things, and a woman's to waylay his advances. It's a woman's place to say no. If a woman is not conforming to that role of protecting her body from advances, and instead has sex with abandon, society labels her a deviant and the men she sleeps with popular people or something. But yeah, I didn't get very far. Why do you think such a discrepancy in labels exists?
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Coca Cola
Will you still, when you learn that when Colombian trade unionists have been killed fighting for better working conditions at the Colombian coca-cola bottling factories? Many have also been tortured or kidnapped by Coke's paramilitary forces that they have contracted/directed to in order to suppress dissent (from 1990-2002, 8 men have been killed).
Coca Cola has also over exploited India's water source not only through usage but through their waste, polluting the waters ( However, it's not only India, but Mexico and Ghana as well.
Coca Cola has also been pinned for benefitting from child labour in cane fields in El Salvador (as documented by Human Rights Watch (but...i also found out in the US, Coca Cola has been using Corn Syrup instead since 1985, so....))
Coca Cola basically practices anti-worker and anti-environment conditions world-wide, generally in places more easy for exploitation of course ( & www.waronwant)
I don't think this is particularly nice of Coca-Cola and I am really glad i don't drink soft drinks.
They're not so summery after all.
And, why can't we have anti-commercial commercials as commercials?/Anti consumerism ads as ads?
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Iran Update
Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri of Iran has posted a statement on his website (which I'm not going to link to because it's in FARSI, not English. there's a translated version of the letter here though.) condemning the rigging of the elections. For those of you not in the know, the grand Ayatollah is like, one of the top clerics of Islam in Iran. There are, like, 20 Grand Ayatollah's in the world, and they're basically like super-priests.In Iran, his views and opinions have a lot of sway over the people. Montazeri was slated to take over from the Supreme Ayatollah Khomeini, who was basically insane (and insanely powerful; he was the guy who ordered the fatwa on Salman Rushdie), but Montazeri is way cool, supporting things like civil and womens rights, so they didn't give him the job. Anyway, his Wikipedia page if you need to know more, is here, (and his official website, if you can read Farsi) but I'm going to post the letter below anyway to make your life easier.
In the name of God
People of Iran
These last days, we have witnessed the lively efforts of you, brothers and sisters, old and young alike, from every social category, for the 10th presidential elections.
Our youth, hoping to see their rightful will fulfilled, came on the scene and waited patiently. This was the greatest occasion for the government’s officials to bond with their people.
However, unfortunately, they used it in the worst way possible. Declaring results that no one in their right mind can believe, and despite all the evidence of crafted results, and contrary to the people’s protestations, in front of the eyes of the same nation who carried the weight of a revolution and 8 years of war, in front of the eyes of local and foreign reporters, attacked the children of the people with astonishing violence. And now they are attempting a purge, arresting intellectuals, political opponents and Scientists.
Now, based on my religious duties, I will remind you:
1- A legitimate state must respect all points of view. It may not oppress critical views. I fear that this will lead to the loss of people’s faith in Islam.
2- Given the current circumstances, I expect the government to take all measures to restore people’s confidence. Otherwise, as I have already said, a government not respecting the people’s vote has no religious or political legitimacy.
3- I invite everyone, especially the youth, to continue reclaiming their dues calmly, and not to allow those who want to associate this movement with chaos succeed.
4- I ask the police and army personnel not to “sell their religion”, and be aware that receiving orders will not excuse them before God. Recognize the protesting youth as your children. Today, censorship and cutting telecommunication lines can not hide the truth.
I pray for the greatness of the Iranian people.
Also, this was the hundreth post to the AC blog
Saturday, June 13, 2009
If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament

The cartoon above I'm pretty sure I've seen in a NZ paper, although why and how I'm not quite sure...

It's essentially a collection of editorial cartoons on abortion. As pointed out in the prompt for the post,
"…when pregnant women are depicted, they are often faceless, voiceless, or shown without any agency. Oftentimes they are not depicted at all, and the fetus is used as the cartoonist’s mouthpiece."
I thought this was really interesting, and I was wondering if any of y'all had an opinion on why this is. As shown by the second cartoon above, and a couple of others at the source, it's something that happens in both pro- and anti-abortion images. is it because, as the cartoon above suggests, cartoonists are simply making them representative of all women? Or is it because the debate over abortion is one no longer concerned with individual women, rather the law-makers and abortion advocates?
Monday, June 1, 2009
Where democracy fails.
Sometimes democracy is bad. People aren't always nice. Occasionally, we promote things solely to benefit ourselves, ignoring the detrimental effect that it has on others. Take, for example,lower taxes for the rich, stealing, slavery. As Darwin kind of said, it's survival of the fittest, a dog eat dog world out there. And the will of the majority is often to harm the minority.
And that is exactly what democracy promotes; instead of a select few imposing their will on everyone, instead, sheer numbers create ruling classes. When you say the will of the people is always right, someone has to ask back, which people? Governments are only accountable to slightly over half of their people. National has a fair idea of who voted for them, and it certainly wasn't those on welfare; so why help them?
Recently in the U.S.A, teh California Supreme court refused to nullify Proposition 8, because it believed its role was to interpret, not alter the constitution. But if not them, who? When the human rights of a minority are being violated, it is not the masses who will stand up for them, so those with authority must. The American people didn't issue the Emancipation Proclamation
, a man ignoring the will of the people who elected him, Abraham Lincoln did. Was he right? Heck yes! So why aren't more people willing to stand up, against popular opinion, for human rights?
(Quick sidebar, click here for Rob Thomas' fantastic piece on why we should support gay marriage, especially over civil unions, which is what NZ (and most other nations) have currently)
democracy is not always the bastion of civilisation. People who aren't willing to think deeper, or to see the effects of decisions beyond their own backyards, are those who the people in charge are often kowtowing to. President Obama, who overwhelmingly won the US presidential election because he promised change has been forced to reneg on many of his campaign promises (for example, the closure of prisoner dentention camp Guantanamo Bay), because his Seante wont fund him. Why wont his Senate fund him? Because he wants to do what is right, but not politically popular; people are suddenly willing to trash their values in favour of peice of mind, because the reality of having dangerous prisoners that close is now too much for them. And that's what this boils down to; for a truly democratic society, are we willing to sacrifice doing what we know is right?
Friday, May 15, 2009
Things that make me go "blerg".
- The military junta in Myanmar/Burma who've charged pro-democratic leader Aung San Suu Kyi with violating her house arrest after an American man allegedly snuck into her home last week. She now faces a prison sentence of up to five years, weeks away from the end of her house arrest. It's clearly been timed so she won't be present for the elections the junta has promised. Last election in 1991 her party won a landslide vote, but she has been in house arrest for 13 of the last 19 years. Call for her release here.
- The National government, predictably. This time they've decided to abolish the Department of Labour's Pay and Employment Equity Unit. Even though NZ women on average are paid 12% less than men in the same positions. But that seven kazillion dollar motorway way more important, eh John? (Okay, I don't really know what motorway I'm talking about. But I'm sure it exists.)
- New Zealand's Next Top Model. Arrrgh. This is surely one of the worsts programs on television at the moment, and this is coming from a huge fan of Dawson's Creek. But seriously, tonight this contestant Ruby was measured by some sleazy Hollywood model agent and was declared "too fat" to be a proper model and told she needed to slim down. She's 17 years old, and so is half the audience. I think that probably launched a thousand eating disorders. Okay, I know modelling is a harsh career and you've got to have the right stuff and they're just preparing her blah blah blah but this girl is HEALTHY sized and aren't non-skeletal models all the rage in the fashion world at the moment? They are with me anyway.
- Danny Gokey. (American Idol contestant.) Hmmmm. How can I fit this in with activism? That scream at the end of "Dream On" was a violation of my Hearing Rights. Sounds like Human? Okay, okay, sorry, moving on.
- The Producers of Avatar. Stoopid.

Happy weekend everyone!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Coffee Break photos!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
John Oliver hates Unfair Trade
John Oliver: Terrifying Times | ||||
John Oliver - Unfair Trade | |||| | ||||
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Opinion Piece on Fair trade
I'm in a mood so it may be a slight fatalistic.
As you all know, I am a mere mortal and am prone to weakness. You have all seen me breakdown, however loudly or quietly, and cast aside my morals, to eat chocolate. Obviously when I hit all time lows, even if i try to keep it inside, i do occasionally eat chocolate. Afterwards, I feel like a failure as a person, with no self control on top of that, for not standing by my scruples. I often feel the need to regurgitate it all, it makes me feel sick, but I don't normally carry this out, don't worry!
Because, I have drilled into myself so often that non-fair trade chocolate is bad, that it hurts so many people and brainwashed myself with thoughts and images of the horrors many families go through, I often almost can mentally taste their blood in it.
I know if I went to a supermarket with the intent of buying an apple, and saw slaves, or children, or a starving, uneducated, poor, impoverished family walk outside to pick it for me, I wouldn't eat it. The problem is, we don't see this. Or if we see it online, we block it out.
I read a story in some pamphlet of children who had to work with sugar, and were paid nothing, and beaten if a certain ammount wasnt harvested/ picked/whatever. I can't remember what they did with the sugar. I remember that when some children tried to escape, they cut the children's feet with razors to punish them, so they wouldn't attempt it again.
The point of this rambling is that we just don't care and don't want to know.
Because we're human. And all of us are failures. That's why there is poverty.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
An Impassioned Plea.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Happy Easter Everyone
The subject of Romana's post, aid, will be the focus of our meetings for the beginning of next term, so why not spend your easter weekend researching aid? Hmm, okay, maybe not, but if you're interested, check out the Institute of Policy Studies' website for some of the powerpoint presentations of the speakers at the Symposium Jessie and I attended. I particularly recommend Salil Shetty's presentation. That dude's awesome.
So just relax, do some research, maybe write an article for the zine(!) and we'll be back ready to roll in term 2!
To finish off, here's a recipe for fair trade easter eggs. Yum. Alternatively, I think Scarborough Fair makes chocolate easter eggs.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Charity still sucks.
Basically, there's this woman named Dambisa Moyo, making waves everywhere beacuse she wrote a book asking the west to stop giving aid to Africa. I'm far to tired to write a proper, attention grabbing description beyond that, but please, click here, even if you don't agree with what she's saying. We should be constantly reviewing how effective 'solutions' to global problems are, and hearing her out would be a really massive step in doing this.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
North Korea's aid rejection
Also, North Korea has announced that it is going to launch a satelite, but it seems as though it is a cover for a long-range missile test (or so Obama and the rest of Oriental Asia is concerned).
Why can't Kim Jong-Il just get his ass out of nucler advancement? Hostile states, right? Beacuse someone would like to bomb economic failure North Korea. I just wish he used it to focus on the people, and actually, i think he'd find why people are so hostile to "him" rather than "North Korea". I just really wished we could do something.
Also, can't believe Mugabe ain't assasinated yet.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The Day I Nearly Joined Greenpeace
i got attacked on the street by a very friendly lady from greenpeace and (without really knowing what i was signing up for)
i started an application to join greenpeace cause i was like yeah be a member and not do nything! woo!
but then she found out i was under 18 and she was all like NOOOOOO you cant join!
cause apparently you cant just be a member of greenpeace, you have to donate to them to be a member
which is extremely silly. but i guess they just want money
i mentioned to her that i was part of an activism group at school and she gave me a high 5
but the point of this post was to say i know that we are not that into envronmental stuff in the AC but i wanted to highlight some of the things greenpeace is doing
did you know that (actually you probably do im just telling you what the lady told me)
that the earth is on a tipping point
basically that means that soon even if we turn around and embrace mother earth..nothing will change
we will have killed the planet
so what can we do?
greenpeace says:
We want you to take part in an energy revolution. To go from a world powered by nuclear and fossil fuels to one running on renewable energy.
Our Energy [R]evolution outlines a global plan for a sustainable renewable economic future. It shows us how we can get from where we are now, to where we need to be to avoid a climate change disaster. It was developed with specialists from the Institute of Technical Thermodynamics at the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) and more than 30 scientists and engineers from universities, institutes and the renewable energy industry around the world.
so you can check out greenpeaces website for more information...
lotsa love
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Don't Corrupt Aid is a campaign to keep New Zealand’s international aid focussed on addressing poverty.
We think aid should be spent on meeting the needs of people in developing countries, not advancing the interests of the government of the day. Aid should not be used as a political football.
This campaign results from comments made by New Zealand Foreign Minister Murray McCully stating that New Zealand’s aid should change from ‘poverty elimination’ to a broader focus on economic development. Additionally, Mr. McCully wants New Zealand’s aid agency NZAID to lose its status as a semi-autonomous body.
The Minister has instigated two reviews into NZAID which may result in the responsibility for aid being absorbed into the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Our concerns:
Aid will become a tool of foreign policy − the focus will shift from meeting the needs of people in developing countries to whatever suits the political agenda of the government of the day
An 'economic development' focus will lead to money going to projects in the interest of wealthy elites, ignoring the needs of the poor
The reviews are being conducted hastily, with no public consultation or parliamentary scrutiny and without advice from development experts
NZAID will lose the skills which make it a world leader in effective aid delivery
This is an unjustified reorganisation, with no evidence that it will increase aid effectiveness or deliver better value for money
Our aims:
To keep NZAID as a semi-autonomous agency that delivers effective aid
To ensure that any reviews of NZAID are open to public debate, parliamentary scrutiny and independent expert advice
To ensure that New Zealand’s aid targets the needs of poor and vulnerable people in developing countries, and is not used to reward ‘obedient’ governments.
In short: Don’t Corrupt Aid!
So folks, I know the AC is an advocate of long term economic solutions to poverty, not the 'band aid' methods like the 40-Hour Famine or child sponsorship, but the fact is, countries do need aid from governments until the long term solution is found.
And, as my auntie works for MFAT, I can safely say it has an entirely different role than an aid agency would. Their work is political, and aid needs to be neutral so it can be implemented effectively with countries that may not have stable governments (often the cause for the need of aid). Look at the situation in Fiji, for example. The New Zealand High Commissioner was removed from her post because of the hostile relationship between the Fiji and New Zealand governments. If MFAT also offered aid in Fiji, what would happen?
If you agree with the campaign then they have options for you to take action here.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Mind Game concept; "Free-will"
Say, a horse is placed between, in equal distant, from two identical bundles of hay. The horse, with no basis to decide on one over the other will end up starving to death. Humans in initially inclined to do/choose that which his reason/ethics tells her/him is the greater good, but, humans may delay making that choice until her/his reason has had sufficient time to gather all the information it needs to in order to exact this final decision or enforce or reinforce his reason. And the information comes from?
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Homophobia much?

Pretty much, a group in Utah called 'America Forever' took out a full page ad in the Salt Lake Tribune saying, well, you can see for yourself. There's a really great article about it, and the reaction here. What's more, is that this comes on the back of the Governor of Utah declaring his support for Civil Unions, and attempts to overturn the ban of them in the State's constitution.
Word to your mother, hate speech is way uncool.
Section 92A
Saturday, February 14, 2009
A New Year
It's a bit late but I just wanted to say how amazingly happy I was with the turnout and contributions to the meeting on Wednesday! It was truly mindblowing and I think the AC are destined for great things this year...
If this is your first visit to the AC blog, welcome! There's some great blog posts here, so have a dig around the archives. Next meeting I'll ask for your emails so I can add you all as bloggers.
I'll have the Oxjam leader list up in the common on Monday for the year 13s.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
What A Twist!
Okay, as at least a few of you know, M.night Shymalan, Hit and miss minority Director, has been hired to direct a trilogy of Live Action movies based on the american Anime-styled, Asian/Inuit-influenced cartoon, Avatar: The Last Airbender.
As a few of you also know, the cast for the four main characters(all of whom are noticeably Asian or Inuit, even in animated format)was announced early last year.
I'll refresh. Anime Style. Based on and heavily influenced by Asian and Inuit culture. Names, traditions, food, location, landscapes, weaponry, costumes, character design, even the goddamn writing is solely in Chinese characters. So, you may understand my slight confusion and righteous Outrage when it was announced that ALL FOUR MAIN CHARACTERS WOULD BE PLAYED BY WHITE ACTORS.
I have no grudge against the actors in question(except Jesse McCartney), and do not mean to imply that they're poor actors, but seriously, dude, what the Hell?
This guy said it far better than I ever could. In fact, it was him that convinced me to join the Anti-Avatar movement, and not simply dismiss this casting horror as Hollywood being moronic.
I can't believe we all missed this
This post had no more relevancy than that. Feel free to bitch about/defend (psshaw!) the Palinator/the Republican Party/moose hunters in the comments.
Seriously. People need to start leaving more comments here. Or Sarah will swim here via Putin's house and shoot you in the ear.
That is all.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Informative Newsletter
If you have anything at all that you'll like to say, please do so!
E-mail me at or, alternatively, just talk to me sometime.
The AC's future looks quite bright, doesn't it?\(≧▽≦)丿
The Homeless
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Good show young man, now get back to work
The moment was groundbreaking in so many ways, however, being a Pakeha I think it's hard for me to grasp just how groundbreaking it is for black Americans to have a president who reflects their race and heritage, or even to have a president who is not a priveleged white man. So what I'm most excited about is to have an American leader who is vaguely competent.
We all know Obama is not a Messiah who will solve all the world's problems with one wave of his hand, however today I had a quick read of his agenda on and I was pleased to see fairly progressive stances on, among others: civil rights (including rights for both POC and LGBTs), energy & the environment and women's rights.
Here are some items on the agenda that immediately popped out at me :
- The repealing of Don't Ask Don't Tell
- Plans to invest in renewable energy resources and cut greenhouse gas emissions
- The closure of Guantanamo Bay
- Continued support for Roe V. Wade and increased funding for family planning and safe sex education (though unfortunately no mention of ending the Global Gag Rule)
These are a few items out of over a hundred, I strongly urge you to go check it out yourselves and report back on anything you think is worth mentioning, positive or negative.
It would be ridiculous to suggest Obama will carry out all these promises, however even if he does a few things like prevent a global depression, end prison torture, end the war on Iraq and tighten up environmental regulations, and improve the health care system even slightly he'll have made a huge, huge improvement on the Bush presidency. And it is a relief to see that he does have a plan, not just a vague notion of "hope".
However, one section in the foreign policy agenda really disappointed me.
"Barack Obama and Joe Biden strongly support the U.S.-Israel relationship, and believe that our first and incontrovertible commitment in the Middle East must be to the security of Israel, America's strongest ally in the region. They support this closeness, and have stated that the United States will never distance itself from Israel.
During the July 2006 Lebanon war, Barack Obama stood up strongly for Israel's right to defend itself from Hezbollah raids and rocket attacks, cosponsoring a Senate resolution against Iran and Syria's involvement in the war, and insisting that Israel should not be pressured into a ceasefire that did not deal with the threat of Hezbollah missiles. He and Joe Biden believe strongly in Israel's right to protect its citizens.
Barack Obama and Joe Biden have consistently supported foreign assistance to Israel. They defend and support the annual foreign aid package that involves both military and economic assistance to Israel and have advocated increased foreign aid budgets to ensure that these funding priorities are met. They have called for continuing U.S. cooperation with Israel in the development of missile defense systems."
Judging by the Democratic Party's general stance on the Israeli government (They just love it! In fact, it's the main subject they wholeheartedly agree on with the GOP), I hadn't had high hopes that Obama would come out to condemn the attacks in Gaza. Still, it's a major disappointment.
I just can't see supporting (and sending billions of dollars in military aid to) a government that has just killed over 1000 Palestinians in an extremely disproportional response to attacks from a government that was democratically elected by a people who were slowly being pushed out of their own country and suppressed by the Israeli government in question. This is despite evidence that the majority of Democrats (the people who elected you Obama, duh) did not support the offensive on Gaza. Not to mention, uh, most other countries in the world (apart from New Zealand. Nice one, McCully).
I'm sure it was a big relief to Obama that a ceasefire arrived in Gaza before his inaugaration, so he can pursue the much more apolitical issue of the global economic crisis. But he'll have to address Israeli-Palestinian relations sometime in the near future, let's just hope he comes to his senses before then.On a lighter note, did anyone get up to watch the inaugaration ceremony? It was pretty awesome. I watched it on CNN of course, so I could get my required daily dose of Anderson Cooper. Any thoughts on the occasion?
I'll see you all at school very soon!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Bush Leaves, World Breathes a Sigh of Relief

Sunday, January 11, 2009
Days of International Observance.
Here are some more days for you to remember...
Okay, so it's kinda late (like, 9.30 in the evening), but today the 11th) was International Day for Peace in Kenya. I'm not really aware of what happened/is happening in Kenya, so, as I write this, I'm gonna find out.
Wikipedia says : "Recent events in the country left Kenyans in fear of their future. The stalemate between the political leaders has created opportunity for destructive forces, and organized militia, which have risen to kill innocent people (more than 450 killed, thousands injured and over 250,000 displaced - initiated by (Kenya Welfare Foundation & Kenya Development Network and Consortium)"
That was last year. Would anyone happen to know what the situation in Kenya is right now?
Here's a link to the wikipedia page if you're interested
That kind of depressed me.
Today was also World Religion Day. I hope you guys all appreciated religion of every kind today! Me, personally, am still mourning the end of Santa's Dreidel Week.
Coming up we have International Holocaust Remembrance Day, on the 27th, and the day after that is Data protection day. Cheerful month, January.
On a lighter note, tomorrow is 'Organize your home day!' So get shelving!
(Sorry for spamming the blog. On the bright side, you have plenty to read (and think about) now!)
Israel + Palestine from John Green
It's coz we aint black
Why are people in New Zealand (a supposedly inclusive society) and all over the world, racist? I feel like, because we as a country, didn't support things like slavery (although it did happen), we feel free to point at countries like the States and say that they're the country to be looked at if you want to see racism. Sure, we have done better than some countries (like Australia, where much of the Aboriginal population lives out in shanty towns, marginalised still by the rest of the population), at trying to repair the havoc colonization wreaked. But I still hear racist stereotypes all the time - PI's favourite restaurant is KFC, all Maori people are on the DPB etc.
Personally, I believe that a large part of the blame is on separatism. Not that I begrudge anyone of maintaining their own, separate cultural identity, but surely the government allocating more money to schools with Maori and Pacific students, on the assumption that they're poorer or dumber than their white or yellow counterparts. Labelling people as this and that - black, white, red, yellow, brown; Maori, European (effing European! you were born in New Zealand for chrissakes! You're Australasian! Jeez), African, Scandinavian etc. It encourages stereotypes, and a stereotype, being an impression of a group based on a small cross-section, is the underlying root of racism.
The definition of racism, according to wikipedia (that great and holy bastion of knowledge) "is the belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race." Essentially, that we are different from each other because of our race. This idea is bullshit, and yet perpetuated by our government and media. When scientific studies of health and education are published in New Zealand, they always separate NZers into categories (seriously. Check for this next time), saying things like, Maori and Pacific Islanders are more sensitive to diabetes, that people of Asian descent are smarter. Yes, there are differences, but they are primarily cultural, and no more significant than the differences in educational achievement between the kids that study for two hours every night, and the kids who go to Macca's instead ( And this racism is flying under the radar, subconsciously reassuring (primarily) white New Zealanders that it's okay to discriminate.
(Just as a side-note, I also feel that the anti-PC movement is to blame. Just because it's not politically correct be racist, doesn't mean that you should discriminate against someone to support the identity you're attempting to create for yourself, as someone who takes no bullshit. News flash, racism is bullshit.)
What can you do about it? Short of writing to the government and research bodies of New Zealand, and asking them to stop differentiating, and thus discriminating (, start by calling people out on their racism (and homophobia. And their anti-Muslim, anti-Jewish and anti-American feelings). When your father or auntie or cousin curses 'those bloody Asian drivers', tell them off. Tell them that they're racist (something that they probably haven't considered, and would be horrified to think of), and that you're not cool with it, and that they're hurting people every time they make a prejudiced remark. Stop stereotyping, even if it's just a 'dumb blonde', and maybe get people to consider that what they perceive as racial differences may actually be cultural ones, and thus not apply to everyone. Race is just a skin colour. Nothing more.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Just a Question...
If the rice shortage is as bad as it seems then things like (which is a brilliant site!) and the 'Collect Rice' are we making it worse or will these sites be outta busniess soon as rice gets too expense?
Sorry if the answer is painfully obvious and I'm just not up with the play....