Saturday, May 9, 2009

Opinion Piece on Fair trade

This is a thing about my personal experience not eating non fairtrade coffee, chocolate, or anything with cocoa in it. So if you don't want to, dont read it.
I'm in a mood so it may be a slight fatalistic.

As you all know, I am a mere mortal and am prone to weakness. You have all seen me breakdown, however loudly or quietly, and cast aside my morals, to eat chocolate. Obviously when I hit all time lows, even if i try to keep it inside, i do occasionally eat chocolate. Afterwards, I feel like a failure as a person, with no self control on top of that, for not standing by my scruples. I often feel the need to regurgitate it all, it makes me feel sick, but I don't normally carry this out, don't worry!

Because, I have drilled into myself so often that non-fair trade chocolate is bad, that it hurts so many people and brainwashed myself with thoughts and images of the horrors many families go through, I often almost can mentally taste their blood in it.
I know if I went to a supermarket with the intent of buying an apple, and saw slaves, or children, or a starving, uneducated, poor, impoverished family walk outside to pick it for me, I wouldn't eat it. The problem is, we don't see this. Or if we see it online, we block it out.

I read a story in some pamphlet of children who had to work with sugar, and were paid nothing, and beaten if a certain ammount wasnt harvested/ picked/whatever. I can't remember what they did with the sugar. I remember that when some children tried to escape, they cut the children's feet with razors to punish them, so they wouldn't attempt it again.

The point of this rambling is that we just don't care and don't want to know.
Because we're human. And all of us are failures. That's why there is poverty.

1 comment:

MissJudge said...

I like the ending.

I was reading a book written by a guy with Aspergers, and he was explaining that he has a kind of logical empathy for people outside his own family.... but it's not the same as real empathy. And I could kinda understand him.

Empathy becomes overwhelming if you think about how things affect too many people (that also came up in a thing I was watching about The Cather in the Rye).

I will be supporting your Fair Trade Coffee Break though - I think you girls are a great example of how we can at least try to think beyond our small communities.