Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Easter Everyone

Thanks Romana for putting an end to the blogging drought- it's been far too long since we've updated.

The subject of Romana's post, aid, will be the focus of our meetings for the beginning of next term, so why not spend your easter weekend researching aid? Hmm, okay, maybe not, but if you're interested, check out the Institute of Policy Studies' website for some of the powerpoint presentations of the speakers at the Symposium Jessie and I attended. I particularly recommend Salil Shetty's presentation. That dude's awesome.

So just relax, do some research, maybe write an article for the zine(!) and we'll be back ready to roll in term 2!

To finish off, here's a recipe for fair trade easter eggs. Yum. Alternatively, I think Scarborough Fair makes chocolate easter eggs.

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