Monday, October 20, 2008

The Week in the US Presidential Election

What a busy week it's been for the US Presidential Elections:
  • Former US Secretary of State and registered Republican Colin Powell has made news by publicly endorsing Democratic Presidential candidate Baracak Obama. This is a huge bonus for Obama's campaign and a big blow for McCain's, as Powell is a hugely respected politician. It's not a huge surprise, as Powell is a fairly moderate Republican, and has often supported liberal and centrist causes such as gun control and is even pro-choice. Read more about his endorsement here.
  • On a related note, well known Republican satirist (he wrote Thank You For Smoking!), author and columnist Christopher Buckley has also endorsed Obama, leading to his resignation at Republican magazine National Review, the very publication his own father William F. Buckley Jr. founded. Read Buckley's endorsement here and his explanation of his resignation here. (He's a great writer, I would recommend reading them.)
  • Sarah Palin appeared on Saturday Night Live. Cynical move to win votes or a good-natured poking fun of herself? You can decide by watching it here, I couldn't bring myself to.
  • The Third Presidential Debate was on Tuesday, read the transcript here (or you can watch it on youtube.) There were some pretty excruciating moments from McCain, asked why Sarah Palin would make a better running-mate than Joe Biden, one of his reasons was "Her husband's a pretty tough guy". I kid you not. He also thinks it's okay to use airquotes when referring to women's health. Can you believe this guy used to be pro-choice? It's nice to know though that Obama supports women's reproductive rights, even though he's in favour of late-term abortions except for when the mother's health is in danger (late-term abortions are also carried out when the fetus is not viable outside the womb). They discussed a lot of other issues, of course, but that's something I feel passionate about.

There's plenty more news where that came from! To keep up on the US Presidential Elections, I strongly urge you to watch The Daily Show, on at 10.30 Tuesday-Friday on C4. Okay, so it's a comedy show, but it's more reliable than CNN, Fox or even TV3. Plus Jon Stewart is a total hottie! Don't agree with me? Okay, I'll shut up now.

I know I should write something about the NZ elections... But it's too depressing. Get your news from instead.

BTW, I am completely addicted to The Living Room Candidate, which has an archive of pretty much all the presidential campaign commercials from 1952 to the present. Why don't presidential campaigns have jingles anymore?

Also, I have made some changes to the layout of the blog. Feedback please! I want to make it look as good as possible but I'm not sure what good looks like.


LC said...

Oh, Sarah Palin....are there no depths to which she will not sink? I take it as cynical vote quest, but thats just cynical Elsie Opinion.

Layouts fine, but needs more RED. And epic win.

Lily said...

How many times did I use the word 'huge' in the Colin Powell bit? Eh... can't be bothered editing.

N Y Sultan said...

ohhhh my goodness....Sarah Palin is...crazy.
John McCain is claiming that in a nutshell its part of his grand plan to let Obama win everything so that he can surprise everyone by winning in the end...
"being the underdog" he calls it. Silly man...obama is too awesome.

lion loves lamb said...

ol i watched the daily show
its funny
doesnt it want ot make you learn and ROFL at the same time?

and sarah pailn is a crazy moose
wtf kind of drugs is she on?
power happy i say....

lol noodles i saw something to that extent on the daily show
twas funny
and i agree

lion loves lamb said...

oh btw i qyuite like the nouveau layout
can i just say
a bit yellow?
thats all
il get used to it

The Active Collective said...

Haha I realised the yellow was crap and changed it to something a bit more Active Collectivey...

lion loves lamb said...

j'adore the layout!
well done lilly
its rad to the max
rad to epic proportions!

Romana said...

heh. Ike for President.

Lily said...

Oh dear, I'm becoming slightly obsessed with the presidential election... I just spent my break from painting searching Obama/Gore slash on livejournal. Of course, it doesn't exist. No one believes in Gorebama except me. And Emily. IT MAKES SENSE. It's better than Bob Dole/Steve Merrill anyway, and they were sort of in love. Okay, not really.

HeadSurgeon said...

yes!!more, more, more people endorse the 'Bama!
ah, i saw the friday night live thing a a few days back...i also watched the 30 rock lady to her palin too before, she was awesome, makes palin look like le fool.
amazing post lily, i really loved it.

HeadSurgeon said...

ohyeas. the layout is super.

Maddy said...

Ok if you ever need any lols just go here:

This is my favourite:

Maddy said...

Is also relevant and brings the lols