Friday, October 24, 2008

Friday Fun Time! (All teachers avert your eyes!)


Friday... The best day ever. School's over and we have THREE whole days of no school ahead of us (unless you're like me and have to go into school to do your sucky folio).

Anyway... To celebrate, let's watch some fun but socially concious videos!
  • First up, awesome spoken word artist Kelly Zen-Yie Tsai has made a video called Black White Whatever drawing attention to the way the presidential election campaigns target only black and white voters, ignoring other races and relagating them to "whatever". It's really cool. If you're not familiar with spoken word poetry (like me, is that even what it's called?), then you might think it's a bit weird, but very entertaining and thought-provoking at the same time. You can see Kelly's other work at

  • On a related note, vlogger Adrian Luis takes on John McCain for his use of that the phrase "that one" when referring to Barack Obama in the second presidential debate. Hip-hop activism? Me likes! (BTW thanks to the AWESOMELY WONDERFUL Latoya Peterson at for the links)

  • Rose Petal Cottage... Epicly sexist commercial? Jessica Valenti at thinks so. Agree?

  • This made me nearly cry... Adorably useless at presidential campaigning Senator Bob Dole falls down during a really in '96 in this video... He is possibly my favourite Republican everrrrrr (apart from Clint Eastwood).

Happy weekend everyone!

P.S. Re: The picture. I do not wish to suggest there is anything "unmanly" (though what's wrong about men wearing dresses?) about Obama, it's just the only slashy picture I could find of him and Al Gore.


Jessie who is awesome said...

Tut tut Lily, you are diabolical. Interesting videos though.

HeadSurgeon said...

amazing photo. lol.

lion loves lamb said...

love the picture
epicly awesome
im still going with the incest idea lol :)
rad post...