Monday, October 13, 2008

The Ultimate Guide to Blogging at the AC Blog... Don't panic!

Hello Active Collective members (and lurkers),

WOW! Over 25 blog posts in the last month, ranging from topics from HIV to the economic downturn to bottled water to aspartame... Can I just say you guys are awesome??

However, as we head into the new term and the opportunities for more people (outside the AC) to become bloggers increases, I think it's time to have a set of guidelines for writing posts. I want to keep the blog as uncensored as possible, and you can help me by sticking to these guidelines.

Just to set your mind at ease, none of these things have been a problem so far at all, it's more of a reference just in case.
  1. Don't be mean- We've got enough of that in the world already. Be kind to each other and respect each other's opinions, even if they differ from your own. On that note, no trolling. It's lame. I am the moderator, and I WILL delete if necessary.
  2. Try to keep it relevant- Though you can blog about any topic in the world that you like, remember this is a blog for an activist group. If you do a topic which does not directly relate to current events or issues, or activism, try to make it thought provoking in some way, relating to the society we live in or have lived in. For example, a post about misogyny in Gossip Girl would be appropriate, while a post pondering the relative hotness of Dan vs. Nate would not be.
  3. Keep it (relatively) clean- In other words, don't put anything on here you wouldn't want Ms Haughton reading knowing you wrote it. We want to maintain a vaguely respectful air. So no f-bombs, a-holes, c--suckers or anything of that kind.
  4. This isn't bebo, folks- While a community spirit is essential for a grass-roots organisation like ours, discussions about your weekend and so on are best saved for those social-networking sites, not the comments section.
  5. Remember, anyone can access this blog- It's open to the public at large for anyone to see, so I would advise being fairly private about your details in your posts. I'm sure you knew this one already!
  6. Don't take it too seriously- To paraphrase Nora Ephron, if you work longer than one hour on a post, it's not blogging, it's writing an article. You won't get a Pulitzer Prize for your work here. As long as you get the message across, people won't care whether you crafted that perfect sentence or not. However...
  7. NO TEXT LANGUAGE ALLOWED- i dnt cer f u cnt spl or wtvr, thts fyn. bt i RLY h8 txt lnge.
  8. Substance over style- If you want to decorate your post with pictures, videos, fonts or colours, that's great! But remember, the actual content of your article is the most important part.

Think those are fair guidelines? Have suggestions for more? Leave your opinions in the comments section!

Happy blogging!


Romana said...

So, uhh, that Nate on Gossip Girl...

Lily, was your comment about Ms. Haughton because you told her about this? Because...if you told her about our blog..umm...something bad will happen. Like...she'll know that we're posting on this instead of doing homework.

luv u hunny. grt 2 c tht ur fnlly psting agen

Elvis Fucking Christ said...

What's Haughton's attitude to you guys? I can't figure it out.

Lily said...

She's actually quite lovely to us... She was really supportive about Oxjam and said to my mum that the AC was great for the school image (haha).

I was more using her as an authoritive figure, like you'd say "don't put anything here you wouldn't want your grandama to read." I haven't actually told her about it. Ms Judge is our only teacher presence at the moment.

Kermit_2.0 said...

blooming nate silly male!

hahaha that would be a little strange if Ms Haughton commented on here....
strange thought

ill be quiet now