Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hilary Duff... Gay rights activist?

I totally grabbed your attention with that one, eh? Well, it's true. Hilary Duff stars in a new Public Service Announcement (click on the first video on the page) in the US that encourages teens to stop saying "that's so gay" when really they mean "that's so sucky/lame/stupid".

And you know what? She has a point. Using gay as a pejorative term reinforces homophobia, whether you mean it or not. The website thinkb4youspeak.com says it best:

"Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) teens in the U.S. experience homophobic remarks and harassment throughout the school day, creating an atmosphere where they feel disrespected, unwanted and unsafe. GLSEN�s 2007 National School Climate Survey found that three-quarters of LGBT teens hear slurs such as ''faggot" or "dyke" frequently or often at school, and nine in ten report hearing anti-LGBT language frequently or often. Homophobic remarks such as "that's so gay" are the most commonly heard type of biased remarks at school. Research shows that these slurs are often unintentional and are a part of teens' vernacular. Most do not recognize the consequences, but the casual use of this language often carries over into more overt harassment.

Studies indicate that students who regularly experience verbal and non-verbal forms of harassment suffer from emotional turmoil, low self-esteem, loneliness, depression, poor academic achievement and high rates of absenteeism. Research also shows that many of the bystanders to acts of harassment experience feelings of helplessness and powerlessness, and develop poor coping and problem-solving skills."

Now, many of my good friends use the word "gay" to describe something sucky. Heck, I've even used it myself a couple of times. But I hate it. Every time I hear someone use it I cringe inside. But I've never, ever told someone to "knock it off". How demoralising is that, not even being as brave Hilary Duff to confront someone when they say something so offensively homophobic, whether they intend to or not?

So now I'll say it: I hate people using the word "gay" as an insult, and if I ever catch anyone using it, you're getting a lecture, or at least an eye roll. Because, as cheesy as those PSAs are, they are right: it's not okay to use who someone is as an insult. Period.

So I encourage, you, Active Collective members (and lurkers) to take the pledge to not say "gay" in a derogatory by Saying Something Original and suggesting an alternative to "gay" (as an insult. Not to, you know, actually describe someone's sexuality). Okay, you can't really because it's only designed for teens in the US, so instead write your own suggestions in the comments section.

Here's some of my favourites that have been suggested so far:

That's so Raven
That's so notsome
That's so Epic Fail (classic)
That's so not the bomb diggity!
That's so gosh darn Joe Six-Pack
That's so mavericky
That's so free market capitalist
That's so Unbelievably Super Epic Fail
That's so obsequious
That's so your GPA

I'm sure you guys can do better than the oodles of "fierce" and "fetch" on the list.


HeadSurgeon said...

great post~ it did need to be addressed. why do we never correct the people, even though we hate it? I have avoided the exspression for awhile now, and regret it and mentally smack myself if i say it, cause its plain rude, derogatory ect. these other options are just so plain awesome...i shall use!

That's so not the bomb diggity!
That's so gosh darn Joe Six-Pack
That's so free market capitalist

Jessie who is awesome said...

I totally agree with you on this one. I used to be really against it in yr 9, but since then it's kind of creeped in to my vocabulary...

Kermit_2.0 said...

i used to say it quite a lot but ill stop now

MissJudge said...

Your blog rocks :)

I have addressed stuff like that with students before, and usually when you make a deal out of it some kid pipes up with something like 'Yeah - my aunt's a lesbian.... ' and turns out lots of kids in the class are sitting there quietly being affected without speaking up until someone else does.

Go forth and destroy homophobia, Active Collectivites!

LC said...

Tru dat.

I'm quite proud that, despite the other foul words that have slithered into my daily usage since yr9, I have avoided that little piece of Lingo.

Thats so epic fail was MADE for me.

LC said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
N Y Sultan said...

"thats so Raven?"

you must be joking...

Elvis Fucking Christ said...

I used it for awhile, with heavy irony, under the influence of a friend. It got tired pretty quick. Shit was so Sarah Palin.

That's so Republican.
That's so Katy Perry.
That's so Sandi Thom.
That's so when someone steals your wallet with, among other things your card for a free crepe after you have bought ten and yes you have bought ten and are waiting to go reap the rewards.


Can I be a moderator and post yelling things? CanIcanIcanI?

Lily said...

Someone stole your wallet, Anne? That bastard.

And I hate Katy Perry too. So much I feel a blog post coming on. She's on Rove now. Urgh.