Thursday, October 16, 2008

At 16 years
decide whether yes or no on abortion
already licensed to drive
if you want to have a-sexxy time
go to jail from a crime you committed

but not to vote
and i'll be darned if it was not true that deciding on abortion is harder and bigger.


Romana said...

I so agree.

Children are not given the right to vote because a) they are generally not able to make informed decisions, and b) Politics don't really affect them. Small children are, essentially, extensions of their parents. Their parents are the ones who are mostly affected by family tax credits and education issues, and can generally be relied on to vote for things that would benefit their offspring.

This is different in regards to teenagers. Teenagers (I'd like to use the AC as my case in point) are very able to make informed decisions, in many cases more informed than adults who have the right to vote, and don't exercise it. What you said is true - we have the right to have sex, and drive, and abort our offspring, yet we cannot vote.

Teenagers are no longer extensions of their parents, who often vote in ways unfavorable to them. In a couple of years, 16 year olds will have left home, and be living as adults, but under a government that they had no opportunity to choose. They will be affected by the decisions made by other adults (for example, if National gets elected, and us as students are forced to live in extreme poverty as a result), and live under a government that had no choice in electing.

Nobody thought to give women the vote until they did. Why shouldn't it be the same for teenagers?

Romana said...

Umm...that was longer than I thought...sorry

lion loves lamb said...

if we can decide whether or not to have a baby, a child of our own!
then we should SO be allowed to vote

agreed with romana...if we cant make informed decisons..then why are we allowed to decide whether we start our own family or not?
wtf? it doesnt make any freaking sense

Kermit_2.0 said...

The thing is is that most teenagers are quite interested and well informed about the partys.... so why not try it!!!

i wish we could!!!

Lily said...

I agree. I reckon Labour should have done it, because most teenagers would vote Labour over National. Sigh... the minority vote is always ignored.

N Y Sultan said...

aiyah...romana your comment was longer than the blog itself!!! LOL