Thursday, April 23, 2009

An Impassioned Plea.

I had a dream.

I had a dream where one day, the active collective would rise up out of room 56, and produce something amazing. 

I had a dream where we'd try and share our thoughts and ideas with the rest of society,  where we'd do something to take action against the injustices of the world. 

I had a dream where I'd eventually hold in my hands the creamy white pages of The Active Collective Zine.  

But now that dream is dying, and  I'm asking myself all sorts of disheartening questions - Why doesn't anybody want to write any zine articles? Does anybody love me?  What's my purpose in life? Is the active collective actually active, or are they all just talk and tetris playing?

I know you've all got something to say; that's why you're in the the active collective. (I assume.  Although we do also get cool badges.) The zine is the perfect venue for you guys to speak out about those things you're passionate about, whether that be the environment, body image, the middle east, human rights, the economy, fair trade, or just what's wrong with our own school.  Everybody in the Active Collective is above averagely informed about most of these issues, and this is our chance to share what we know and think about these issues with our peers,  hopefully encouraging them to think about them too.

So please,  make the world a better place.  Write a zine article today!  
Send it to

People who have made false promises of zine articles and whom I therefore no longer love: Romana, Lily, Emily G & Helena, Julia.


Romana said...

I've decided to write about what sucks about our school. As we've discovered EVERYTHING SUCKS ABOUT OUR SCHOOL!


Romana said...

That was a false promise, btw.

Romana said...

argh argh spam

Jessie who is awesome said...

Thanks Romana. Now I feel so much better.

Anonymous said...

this is Jo. Too LAZY to sign in. btw, just wanted to say your tags were awesome.
I'm also tempted to say
"I'll write you an article Jessie!!"

Kermit_2.0 said...

oi! we are its also called having a rather BUSY life jessie!!!

less than slash three its over!

ellie doll said...

i wrote a thing. probably not suitable for magazine. but it was well intended.

Anonymous said...

stop whinging