Sunday, January 11, 2009

Days of International Observance.

Something horrible happened to me today. I found out that the day after my birthday was International Waffle Appreciation Day. Then something worse happened; I found out that my actual birthday is International Tuberculosis Day. (And my birth was bloody induced! Stupid birthday!)

Here are some more days for you to remember...

Okay, so it's kinda late (like, 9.30 in the evening), but today the 11th) was International Day for Peace in Kenya. I'm not really aware of what happened/is happening in Kenya, so, as I write this, I'm gonna find out.

Wikipedia says : "Recent events in the country left Kenyans in fear of their future. The stalemate between the political leaders has created opportunity for destructive forces, and organized militia, which have risen to kill innocent people (more than 450 killed, thousands injured and over 250,000 displaced - initiated by (Kenya Welfare Foundation & Kenya Development Network and Consortium)"


That was last year. Would anyone happen to know what the situation in Kenya is right now?
Here's a link to the wikipedia page if you're interested

That kind of depressed me.

Today was also World Religion Day. I hope you guys all appreciated religion of every kind today! Me, personally, am still mourning the end of Santa's Dreidel Week.

Coming up we have International Holocaust Remembrance Day, on the 27th, and the day after that is Data protection day. Cheerful month, January.

On a lighter note, tomorrow is 'Organize your home day!' So get shelving!

(Sorry for spamming the blog. On the bright side, you have plenty to read (and think about) now!)


MissJudge said...

Hope you all got good results.

Well done Lily! You aced English. Well done Gott, too.

Lily said...

Thanks Miss! Yep I was pretty happy with mine, have no idea how I got the good result for poetry, which I didn't even finish...

Emily, I wish you'd tell me your results...

Sorry Romana. Good day-finding.

N Y Sultan said...


ok...maybe we could inconspicously swap waffle appreciation day and tuberculosis day so that your birthday is waffle appreciation day and we can all make and eat waffles and have a huge waffle party for you?

good plan? i think so