Monday, November 17, 2008

The Other Side

Do you, active-collectivite, often feel alienated during discussions? Are you a free market capitalist, with a Sarah Palin pin, who begged their parents to vote for Roger Douglas? Think the U.S. should be drilling for oil, anywhere and everywhere? Well, do I have some day-brighteners for you!

The passage of Proposition 8 has been blamed on:
  • Black People
  • Old People
  • Barack Obama
  • Gay People
So when someone says 'Those damn Mormons' you can retaliate, in a really, really statistically* correct fashion.

Can we blame it on minorities? Yes we can!

(Oh, and , here, have some links.)

(Okay, just so everyone knows, about 10% of Voters in California are black. 7 in 10 voted for prop 8, bringing the total black contribution to 7%of the vote. Of the other 9o% of votes, Latino votes (roughly 3x that of African Americans) were about 53% for, and both Asian Americans and uhh...white people? at 49%)


Lily said...

Excellent links, Romana, yet I can't help thinking that this may just be a tactical use of your time to replace studying?

Romana said...

what study?

HeadSurgeon said...

Um, this may be a generalization, but mostly oriental people don't like the idea of homosexuality, especially the older (50's-60's) generation. my parents are the same. I hate prop 8 with a passion. i went onto their website and sent them a piece of my mind. honestly- "protect marriage" FROM WHAT?!?!?!?!?! THE LOCHNESS!?!?!COS HE'S GONNA FRIGGEN EAT YOUR MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE?!!!!!

MissJudge said...

Lily: Can't find your email address, but I was going to put some small-sized versions of media articles in the mag, including yours. But the version you have saved on student common has missing pictures and the paint-splashes are just a normal font now. If you have it at home in the proper form and could 'Export' (instead of save) it as a jpg and email it to me I could use it.

lion loves lamb said...

YEAH !!!
you go jo!
you tell those mofos whats right!!!!

what on earth are those people thinking?
old people?.. actually you know its grandmother is quite homophobic..she said she didnt want to vote for helen clark cause she was a lesbian..