Props to our former Prime Minister, a cool lady who lead us through the last nine years, making many mistakes but leaving us relatively unscathed by the end of it. Something tells me she'll be missed a great deal.
I used to be so proud of our Prime Minister. Sure, Helen's no great looker, but she's seemed to geniunely care about the people of New Zealand, even if she did make a few mistakes, and she's an awesome (hey, look I found the bold!) inspiration for young women. Now I'm just embarrassed. John Key is our Prime Minister. He's twat. (Am I allowed to say that Lily?) He only seems to be in it for the power and fame, and he doesn't seem that intelligent. He seems almost like he's a puppet leader the National party has installed to get themselves into government. Hmmph. I feel almost as bad as if we'd elected Bush.
I was really proud to have Helen as my leader (did you know I played her in a school production once - I do an excellent Helen-voice). She was intelligent and stood strong on our kiwi values (eg - not sending troops to support Bush). I can't see Key being as unafraid of p***ing off powerful leaders. I could see him being more of a yes-man.
I guess in a time of economic recession a lot of people thought a self-made multi-millionaire could be a good person to have at the helm, but I suspect the people down the bottom rungs of the economy won't see any benefits from his policies (and that's who I'm concerned about my government looking after).
And anyone who said she was just in it for the ego or power trip was proven wrong by her standing down so graciously to let the young blood prepare for the next election.
helen i love you you might not have a pretty face and you lost the election race but you were a star yes you know you are and john keys is a bit weird but he doesnt have a beard oh helen you melon come lead us again! copyright (c) helena b
^I agree with Miss Judge, i really can't see John Key being able to stand ground firmly against international pressures from governments such as the USA. As Miss said, he's a yes-man that would rather believe the importance of retaining ties- and maybe hoping for some kind of reward at the end, of being faithful to some government. Clarky is waay more staunch, and as jessie said, she really does care for the people of new zealand esp. minorities.
^helena, amazing poem, it brought many a tears to my eyes. too beautiful.
The bloggers here were formerly of the Active Collective, a group of young women banding together to discuss issues of critical importance in today's society, and working out ways to raise awareness, especially among youths, based at Wellington East Girls' College. Everyone on this blog has left WEGC and so moved on from the AC, but we'll continue to use this space as a soapbox for discussing issues that matter to us.
There is a new generation of young passionate young activists running the Active Collective at East this year, with their own blog. Go check it out.
i miss her already!
everyone who voted national will get whats coming to them.
I used to be so proud of our Prime Minister. Sure, Helen's no great looker, but she's seemed to geniunely care about the people of New Zealand, even if she did make a few mistakes, and she's an awesome (hey, look I found the bold!) inspiration for young women. Now I'm just embarrassed. John Key is our Prime Minister. He's twat. (Am I allowed to say that Lily?) He only seems to be in it for the power and fame, and he doesn't seem that intelligent. He seems almost like he's a puppet leader the National party has installed to get themselves into government.
Hmmph. I feel almost as bad as if we'd elected Bush.
I was really proud to have Helen as my leader (did you know I played her in a school production once - I do an excellent Helen-voice). She was intelligent and stood strong on our kiwi values (eg - not sending troops to support Bush). I can't see Key being as unafraid of p***ing off powerful leaders. I could see him being more of a yes-man.
I guess in a time of economic recession a lot of people thought a self-made multi-millionaire could be a good person to have at the helm, but I suspect the people down the bottom rungs of the economy won't see any benefits from his policies (and that's who I'm concerned about my government looking after).
And anyone who said she was just in it for the ego or power trip was proven wrong by her standing down so graciously to let the young blood prepare for the next election.
i love you
you might not have a pretty face
and you lost the election race
but you were a star
yes you know you are
and john keys is a bit weird
but he doesnt have a beard
oh helen
you melon
come lead us again!
copyright (c) helena b
^I agree with Miss Judge, i really can't see John Key being able to stand ground firmly against international pressures from governments such as the USA. As Miss said, he's a yes-man that would rather believe the importance of retaining ties- and maybe hoping for some kind of reward at the end, of being faithful to some government.
Clarky is waay more staunch, and as jessie said, she really does care for the people of new zealand esp. minorities.
^helena, amazing poem, it brought many a tears to my eyes. too beautiful.
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