Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Erection

Sorry, I had to use that title once. And sorry, all lovely and discerning teacher/parents that have travelled here from our much more decent school website page, for my unheralded vulgarity.

BUT TODAY IS THE DAY! As of 9.26pm NZ time it is 4.26am in New York. Soon, voters will be heading to the polls.

I'm too tired to post any information or opinions (though of course McCain/Palin = epic fail), so I'll point you again in the direction of Gordon Campbell's fantabulous election blog on Scoop. In this post he gives a rundown of what order the results will come in and what states will have the deciding vote.

I'm hoping someone will bring a tv or something to share in the common room... Unfortunately that probably won't be the case. By the time we get back from school it will be 11pm the previous day in NY, so we may find out the winner by then. In any case, ye must watch The Daily Show's election coverage on C4 tomorrow night at 10.30. JON STEWART IS MY HUSBAND!

All we can do now is watch and wait. May the swing states be with you, Barack.

BTW: Photo stolen from http://punditkitchen.com/. Thanks for the link, Maddy C!


N Y Sultan said...

we might not find out til late on wednesday...GAH! the suspense is killing me!!

HeadSurgeon said...

this is one drama...that actually matters...(gosh, i also hope the swing states shall be with the 'Bama.) oh lovely alliteration on the title by the way, it confused my eyes a bit as i read the post XD i read "fantabulous erection blog on Scoop", i was like "wha-what?!" and re-read it...it would be quite funny though...

MissJudge said...

Yay! He won!

I wasn't actually that impressed with his speech though, except when he was talking about the 106 year old lady.

It was kinda all over the place and full of cliches. And his tone was pretty unvaried. From a 2.6 Oral Text Close Reading point of view. I thought it was pretty hackneyed. The puppy story is going to be a good one, though. My flatmates and I have been making bets on what breed he'll pick and what colour it'll be.

In terms of what this signals about the enlightenment of America, it's great. I think he's really riding a wave of people wanting a beacon of hope in this time of economic and political darkness.

I'm kinda sad to see the end of Sarah Palin - she was good entertainment value.

Lily said...

Haha yeah not one of his best speeches, but it did include some good examples of direct address, metaphors, inclusive pronouns and emotive language I could have written about in my assignment :D And I liked McCain's speech too, he was very gracious and almost cuddly-seeming.

I think in a few years time people won't believe that Sarah Palin ever existed, she just seems like a character straight out of some kind of farce comedy.

I think their dog will be a cocker spaniel... Like Nixon's dog Checkers.