Wednesday, April 29, 2009


You need to click on it.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

An Impassioned Plea.

I had a dream.

I had a dream where one day, the active collective would rise up out of room 56, and produce something amazing. 

I had a dream where we'd try and share our thoughts and ideas with the rest of society,  where we'd do something to take action against the injustices of the world. 

I had a dream where I'd eventually hold in my hands the creamy white pages of The Active Collective Zine.  

But now that dream is dying, and  I'm asking myself all sorts of disheartening questions - Why doesn't anybody want to write any zine articles? Does anybody love me?  What's my purpose in life? Is the active collective actually active, or are they all just talk and tetris playing?

I know you've all got something to say; that's why you're in the the active collective. (I assume.  Although we do also get cool badges.) The zine is the perfect venue for you guys to speak out about those things you're passionate about, whether that be the environment, body image, the middle east, human rights, the economy, fair trade, or just what's wrong with our own school.  Everybody in the Active Collective is above averagely informed about most of these issues, and this is our chance to share what we know and think about these issues with our peers,  hopefully encouraging them to think about them too.

So please,  make the world a better place.  Write a zine article today!  
Send it to

People who have made false promises of zine articles and whom I therefore no longer love: Romana, Lily, Emily G & Helena, Julia.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Easter Everyone

Thanks Romana for putting an end to the blogging drought- it's been far too long since we've updated.

The subject of Romana's post, aid, will be the focus of our meetings for the beginning of next term, so why not spend your easter weekend researching aid? Hmm, okay, maybe not, but if you're interested, check out the Institute of Policy Studies' website for some of the powerpoint presentations of the speakers at the Symposium Jessie and I attended. I particularly recommend Salil Shetty's presentation. That dude's awesome.

So just relax, do some research, maybe write an article for the zine(!) and we'll be back ready to roll in term 2!

To finish off, here's a recipe for fair trade easter eggs. Yum. Alternatively, I think Scarborough Fair makes chocolate easter eggs.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Charity still sucks.

Clearly, I'm saving up all of my amazing blogging skills for the zine, but I had something i'd like to share with y'all.

Basically, there's this woman named Dambisa Moyo, making waves everywhere beacuse she wrote a book asking the west to stop giving aid to Africa. I'm far to tired to write a proper, attention grabbing description beyond that, but please, click here, even if you don't agree with what she's saying. We should be constantly reviewing how effective 'solutions' to global problems are, and hearing her out would be a really massive step in doing this.