Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Water, water, everywhere but not a drop to drink

Yes, we all know buying bottle water is a sin. But its handy and dandy and tastes good and makes us feel do you say it- "safe"? As i think we should all know- wars in the future will not be fought over land or religious beliefs ect., but over resources. I mean, if there was an independent island next to us whose ground was miraculously pumped with heaps of oil, and NZ was on a very very severe oil shortage, i think the government would all narrow their eyes and clear throats and rub their hands together in the direction of le island. Oil, water- water is the big un. Though i guess being in NZ has made us safe from water shortcommings like our...neighbour...hehe...hehehe*cough*unfortunateaustralia*cough* <- sorry for the evilness. We still need to be Active and O.O aware. Let me pull out le facts for you:
  • It takes Three Litres of Fresh Water to produce one litre of Bottled Water.
  • 2.5 million tons of Carbon dioxide was created by making the plastic bottles for bottle water in 2006- and the amount shall just grow as population increases.
  • Study shows that 90% of bottles are not recycled and of course, they're not biodegradable so it definately makes it Not Okay.
  • Someone is scamming your ching. Some investigations have revealed that bottled water (such as in Canada and the states) just stated fresh, "spring" water and ect. but it was basically distilled TAP water they use in a bottle with a picture of a nice scenic lake in some european country slapped on.
So we should aim for: no buying plastic bottle water, you get a chinese burn from Chairman Mao if you do. And besides its free.

Ok, Ok, you all know, jus re-instating, it should be part of every eco-warriors personal crusade.

and YAYS, kudos to Lily for securing sound. We boogie. You win. Everyone wins! >:D now we just need to advertise till we lose our pride/dignity/ or come to the realisation we never had any.

p.s. ohh eLLEN, your font colour totally blinded me for 5 secs.
i think we should make a McCain and Palin voodoo doll. HE CAN'T BE PRESIDENT, and cause i don't like Palin lady.


Ellen said...

Lol Evian is naive backwards. I can think of more evil products though e.g. cocoa cola. Jo you're so right about future wars over resources. The sad truth about many poverty striken countries is that population out weighs resources. But I'm thinking that another war would just cause a revolt. How many americans wanted iraq to happen? Probably an select group of wealty, greedy (fuel thristy) people. I will now restrict myself from buying bottled water (it's idiocy anyway.

Love you long time.

N Y Sultan said...

yeah... i agree with the mccain and palin comment...there is something about sarah palin that i really dont like and i have no idea what it is...therefore she annoys me even more.

Lily said...

Oh dear, I'm feeling slightly guilty about the four-pack of pumps languishing in my fridge at this very moment. I should really invest in a decent water bottle instead of those flimsy plastic things. You're right though, it is idiocy that the Coca-Cola company (that's who makes Pump) should make so much money off a free resource, especially since we have such beautiful clean water in New Zealand.

Btw, I read an interesting article today about how altogether the New Zealand branches of Starbucks waste about 13 million litres of clean water a year because they have a perpetually running tap called a "dipper well". Apparently it's standard procedure at all Starbucks. Yet another reason to boycott one of my least favourite companies.

And don't get me started on Palin, who I utterly loathe, for so many reasons. On a related note, any of you with sky can watch the second Presidential debate on CNN at 10pm tonight.

N Y Sultan said...

gee...starbucks disappoints me more and more every day
